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  • What can I do while listening?
    Consult with your SSP provider for guidance on what activities are most supportive of your listening experience. In most cases, light movement, breathing exercises, and drawing, coloring or puzzle activities are recommended. High-intensity exercise, cognitively demanding tasks, and video games or computer work are generally not recommended.
  • Can I do the SSP by myself without a provider?
    The SSP is a powerful therapeutic intervention and is not available for use without the supervision of a trained professional (e.g. therapist, licensed social worker, mental health practitioner, clinician, educator, etc.). Your provider may, however, suggest some independent listening as part of your SSP experience. All SSP providers are required to complete an extensive training and certification course prior to delivering the SSP to ensure safe and effective delivery.
  • What does the music sound like?
    The SSP uses music that you may already be familiar with. The music is filtered through an algorithm that enhances intonation changes within the frequency range of the human voice, training the auditory processing system to attune to cues of safety. A classical playlist is also available as a non-vocal, trauma-sensitive and accessible alternative that maintains the essential elements and original algorithms of the SSP.
  • What does a listening session look like?
    Listening sessions can vary between providers depending on intake assessments, and usually can include a combination of client education, regulating activities and listening to the SSP. We recommend speaking with your provider about SSP delivery.
  • Do I have to listen to the hours in order?
    The music is divided into five hour-long sections. While you are not required to listen to a full hour each session, the filtration of the main SSP program is dynamic and progressive so it is important to listen in order and not repeat any sections without guidance from your SSP provider.
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